Member Rash or Bumps: Is it a Socially Shared Infection?

Simply thinking about the consequences of a socially shared infection can be enough to make a man buy the economy size box of rubbers. And using barrier protection each time, especially with a new partner, is a vitally important part of healthy member care. However, there are some socially shared infections that are passed through simple skin-to-skin contact, and rubbers can’t protect against those.

A refresher course on socially shared infections

A man should get tested, and then get educated. In addition to having a rubber handy at all times, a man should know the signs of socially shared infections, including everything from member rash to discharge. Here are some of the most common ones that can be passed through skin-to-skin contact.

1. Herpes. A person can have herpes and not show any symptoms, with no active outbreak, yet still be contagious. Even though wearing a rubber will protect your member, the groin area is still exposed. Unfortunately, there is no cure, only the possibility of controlling the symptoms. Signs often include manhood bumps that turn into small blisters, itching, burning and soreness of the private area, and possibly headache, fever and enlarged lymph nodes.

2. HPV. Human papillomavirus usually presents with no symptoms at all, but can easily be spread through simple intimate contact, even with the use of a rubber. What’s really frightening is that HPV can lead to cervical cancer, so a man should be very aware of the potential threat to his partners if he does contract HPV. If there are symptoms, they often include manhood bumps, which might be slightly raised and itchy.

3. Syphilis. This frightening infection can be passed through the tiniest break in the skin, one so small that neither partner might notice it. The symptoms tend to be rather mild at first, with a small sore at the site of the infection or a rash on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands; interestingly, there is rarely a member rash associated with syphilis. Then the disease goes into the latent phase, where it creates no symptoms but eventually reappears as serious health problems.

4. Public lice. Otherwise known as crabs, these tiny bugs can lead to serious itching in the private regions, mostly in those areas covered by hair. Even using a rubber doesn’t keep the critters away, because they cling to areas where the rubber offers no protection. Treatment is usually a prescription shampoo, combing through the hair to remove the eggs, and possibly even shaving the area.

5. Trichomoniasis. Also known as Trich, this parasite spreads through infected areas of the skin; it can also be spread through touching the same towel, sheets, and other objects that might be moist after intimate play. Men usually have no symptoms, and if they do, it’s a mild irritation in the urethra. And remember, it might take months for the symptoms to show up, which means a man is contagious well before he realizes he is infected.

Keeping the male organ healthy

The importance of socially shared infection testing cannot be stressed enough. Keep in mind that many infections have no symptoms at all, and that means testing is the only way to determine whether a man has been infected.

In addition to regular testing, it is important to pay close attention to the member and surrounding skin. During a daily inspection of the area, make use of a powerful male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A good cream contains numerous vitamins and nutrients, blended in a high-end emollient like Shea butter and complemented with a good dose of vitamin E for smooth, healthy skin. Make a habit of applying the crème carefully, so as to allow the healing properties to soak into every inch of the member.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

American Medical Mask 3 Ply Supplier Company Consists of Reputable Companies

For decades the American Medical Association has been promoting high quality patient care through membership. With their stringent rating system they are able to set the standard for the quality of medical services provided by all American hospitals. In order to stay in business all the AMAA members have to have a steady and predictable income. One way that the AMAA is able to ensure their members always have income is by using a 3-Ply Supplier.

All American Medical Association Members are required to use a 3-Ply Supplier when they purchase medical masks. The AMAA uses a rating system based on the price of the medical mask along with the quality of the materials that were used in the manufacturing process. The lower the price of the mask the better, therefore, it is to the advantage of all American Medical Association Members to always purchase medical masks from one of the best companies. The best American Medical Mask 3 Ply Supplier Company is the one that consistently offers all their AMAA Members the very best price available. They also offer AMAA Members free shipping whenever they purchase any kind of medical device. This makes it easy for all American Medical Association Members to purchase the medical devices that they need.

The American Medical Association also has a long standing tradition of providing outstanding job opportunities to those individuals who are members of the American Medical Association. The AMAA also works diligently to make sure that each individual who is certified to wear medical masks gets paid fairly. Medical professionals have reported time again that they are not paid fairly for the services that they render. The only way that the AMAA can ensure that its members are not being exploited is by requiring them to purchase medical masks from a reputable company that is a part of the American Medical Association. If you belong to the American Medical Association, or you’re a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA), and you need to purchase medical masks one of these three companies will be the place that you want to go.

Software Development Talent:How Attract and Retain

In the software industry, job positions are constantly available and typically hard to fill. The IT demand is high, while the supply is relatively low in this field, which means anyone with a software development skill set often has their choice of companies to work for.

Attracting Talent
To attract talent to a software development position, many companies will try to offer unique incentives to entice them. This could be flexible work like remote positions or differing schedules depending on what time developers enjoy working. Offering a large base of training and a team to have around them are also great ways to catch the eye of someone looking to switch jobs.

Most importantly, developers want to know that a company is supportive, respectful, and appreciative of their employees. When posting a job or attending job fairs to find new employees, managers should pay particular attention to how they explain their company values and ethics – these are things that potential employees will want to identify with directly. Once it is time to interview the person, focusing on how the company can allow the potential employee to grow is a great point of view the interviewer should take.

Keeping the Talent You Have
As a manager or CEO of a company, you want to retain all the good talent you have in the organization. Fortunately, there are a few ways that managers can encourage employees to stay within the company.

For one thing, companies should do everything they can to make the jobs of software developers easier – like providing updated technology and code bases that are up to date with company projects. Allowing developers the freedom to create software development talent without micromanagement and extensive rules/procedures is another way to keep them happy.

Nobody likes to do the same thing every day, and the creative side of developers will only thrive when they can try new things and innovate. Providing a software development team with interesting projects with the freedom to brainstorm and solve problems on their own gives them the ability to shape the company and have a stake in what they are creating.

Lastly, ensuring that everyone within the organization aligns with the values of the organization is key for making a happy and functional workplace. software development talent should feel that they fit like a puzzle piece within the organization.

Finding talent and retaining them are entirely two different tasks of management that are crucial in keeping a company moving forward. When it is time for your business to find new software development talent and are unsure of how to attract them, give Charter Global a call today to see how we can help!